GiDC and Coaching Training

submitted 7 years ago by to GiDC
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Link: https://www.ncmtraining.com/2017/10/19/gidc-and-coaching-training/

While I understand that the initial development and work has been done on the GiDC side of the Training and Development website, I am curious about a few inconsistencies. On the GiDC side, the name or title brings up the video, the text icon is the notes or outline page and the other icon (not sure what to call it) is the training assignment and other resources. On the Coaching side and again I understand that it’s not been developed, the name or title and two icons all bring up a related document. It seems that these two sides of the Training and Development ought to parallel each other.

One response to “GiDC and Coaching Training”

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    Thanks for the observation Tom. We are still working through the coordination of the two sites. I am not sure how the coaches are organizing their material. In many cases, it is not the same as the GiDC training. Much of the current coaching resources are video seminars or presentations which are not necessarily designed for a targeted training topic like the GiDC. For example, there is not a ten-minute training on how to ask good questions but there are teaching modules taught by Daniel Harkevey. These are two different experiences and thus require two different formats. Bottom line, because of the nature of the coaching resources, the majority will probably not fit into our targeted training format. In many cases, we are comparing apples and oranges. I would suggest you make this same observation on the coaching site if you have not already. Thanks again for visiting our site and sharing your observations.